How Minds United FC helped Myra get sober
Myra Franklin was drinking so heavily when she joined Minds United FC that she can’t remember the month – or year – she first went along. But the 34-year-old is clear about one thing: the club saved her life.
She said, “My memory of that time is really bad, I don’t remember dates. My mate Vicky played for Minds United, which is a club for anyone affected by mental health issues, and pestered me to go. I was nervous – Covid had wrecked my leg muscles – but I agreed to try goalkeeping.”
Myra, who lives in West London, needn’t have worried. She said, “I loved everyone instantly. They were all trying to get me out of this rut, even though I was being a pain, and I quit drinking completely.”
But in November 2022, Myra had a relapse and was diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis, which can be fatal. She said, “It was like the universe telling me I had one last chance.”
Just as she needed it most, Minds United’s CEO, Tariq, handed her a lifeline: he asked her if she wanted to become a volunteer at the club. Myra said, “It gave me a real purpose, lifted my spirits and got my mind off alcohol.”
Thanks to National Lottery players, over £50Million has been raised for women’s football over the past 10 years, supporting grassroots clubs like Minds United FC.
Myra’s team recently returned from winning a tournament in Holland. She said, “It was my first time going away without my parents and so much fun. We’re like a big family. Joining Minds United has changed my life.”
26th July 2023

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