
Lesley and Fred Higgins help us celebrate 25 years of winners

Lesley and Fred Higgins won £57.9Million on EuroMillions in 2018. And with their win came a dream to help kids in a meaningful way and not just, as Lesley says, “to throw money at something and walk away."

That’s why Lesley and Fred Higgins decided to help their friend Chris Duke get his book, Lucy’s Blue Day, published. Lesley knew Chris from her amateur dramatics group and knew he’d been trying to raise money to pay an illustrator to get his book finished.

The story is about a little girl who wakes up one day with blue hair. She discovers that her hair changes colour based on her emotions – red for angry, green for envy and blue for sad. The book is about reducing stigmas and helping children to understand it's OK not to be OK.

Lesley and Fred were also able to help fund getting the book published and it's now available to buy. The dedication in the book, thanking the Higgins for their support, sends a tingle down Lesley's spine every time she reads it.

The National Lottery has been changing the lives of winners and supporting good causes across the UK since 1994. In that time, there have been more than 7,000 new millionaires created and by playing The National Lottery you raise over £4 million for Good Causes every dayΔ.

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