Teachers’ syndicate chalks up a festive EuroMillions win
A syndicate led by a maths teacher has found the formula for a brilliant Christmas by winning a £53,642 EuroMillions prize.
Richard said, “We’re absolutely over the moon and probably still can’t believe we’ve actually won! You never really think something like this will happen to you, but we’re just a group of people who work together and decided to get involved in a syndicate for a bit of fun every week…and we’re so glad we did just that!”
Just in time for Christmas, each member of the SAHS Syndicate will receive £3,576 to put in their stocking.
Richard said, “Our wish lists are a real mixed bag. I’m in the process of moving house so this extra money will be a huge help towards that. It really is perfect timing.”
Fellow syndicate member Siobhan Docherty said, “This has made a huge difference to my Christmas – it means I’ll be able to make this year extra special and really spoil my children which feels amazing!”
Recounting the syndicate’s festive win Richard said it all started with an email from The National Lottery. He said, “It came through first thing in the morning as I was getting things sorted for my first lesson of the day, so I didn’t really have time to check it.
“It was only when I was in the staffroom at morning break that I remembered to look again. That made it even more special as some of the syndicate members were with me when we found out.
“There were a good few minutes of us reading and re-reading what it said on the screen and then we all had to double-check with each other that we had understood it correctly. Once we knew it was confirmed, we were all in shock…but then had to crack on with teaching for the day!”
18th December 2024
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