Steve’s £1Million Lotto win puts him on high road to Scotland
Retired taxi driver Steve Glover is looking forward to an exciting new life in Scotland after winning £1Million on Lotto.
The 73-year-old, who lives in Exeter, fell in love with the Highlands when he was stationed there with the RAF. Now, he’s planning on getting reacquainted with the place he hopes to one day call home.
Steve, who matched 5 numbers plus the Bonus Ball in the Lotto draw on 4th March 2023, said, “I don’t have a definite spot in Scotland that I want to call home just yet so I’m buying a motorhome which will be my temporary home. I will spend some time travelling around and getting a feel for the place again. I’m after a nice little croft with a bit of land and when I see the right place, I will know it’s the one.”
As well as his motorhome, Steve is planning on replacing his Land Rover which is “on its last legs”. And in keeping with his love of all things Scottish, he’s decided to invest in 2 barrels of prime Scottish whisky. He’s not sure if it will be an investment or something to sip.
Steve said, “Life is short, you have to enjoy every moment and every spare penny, and I’m sure as heck going to enjoy this!”
Steve was watching a darts competition on TV when he decided to check the National Lottery tickets he’d bought the previous day. He said, “I checked the Lotto results on my tablet and recognised the numbers instantly as I’ve always played the same numbers! I didn’t dare to believe what I was seeing so first I rang my mate and asked him to read out the numbers to me, and then I called my ex-wife who did the same and then said, 'according to this Steve, you’ve won £1Million!'”
He got up early on Sunday morning and called the National Lottery line as soon as it opened at 9am. The win was soon confirmed, but Steve didn’t dare believe it was real until the winnings appeared in his bank account.
He said, “Now the money is there, it looks like the celebrations can start, just as soon as my mate is back from Fuerteventura and my ex-wife is back from her holidays in the Caribbean. It did occur to me that I could fly out and surprise either one of them but I think I’ll sit tight, with another cup of tea, and wait for their return.”
22nd March 2023
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