Animal lover Lesley wins £2,000,000 as parrot dislocates foot
Lesley Herbert was about to celebrate a whopping £2,000,000 win when she was interrupted by her pet parrot dislocating its foot.
Lesley, a self-confessed animal lover, whisked Bibi off to the vets for treatment, taking a picture of the winning Scratchcard along to show the team. She is already a proud owner of rescue dogs Nicko and Luna as well as parrots Bibi and Alfie but can’t wait to add more to her flock. The first thing Lesley will purchase will be some much-wanted chickens and said she can’t wait to “rescue more animals in need.”
Lesley added, “In the longer term I would love to look at starting my own animal shelter charity. Charity and giving back to those in need is something that is really close to my heart. I currently help an organisation by picking up close to out-of-date food from supermarkets and I distribute it to those who are in need.”
Lesley is convinced that someone was watching over her at that exact moment. She said, “When I went to the shop, I even said to the shop assistant ‘I’m feeling lucky today’. My grandad died in December and he always used to say to me ‘when I win The National Lottery, I’ll buy you the big house on top of the hill,’ so I can’t help feeling he was with me that day, telling me to buy the ticket – I just wish he was here to see it.”
24th March 2021
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