
Car valet from Nottingham cleans up with £250,000 Scratchcard win

An amazing Christmas awaits a car valet after banking £250,000 on a Scratchcard top prize win. Adam Kelsall from Nottingham and his fiancée have been dancing for joy celebrating since the win.

Adam was on his way to work when he bought the Scratchcard after filling up with petrol. The split second decision proved to be a good one, he said, “I saw the diamonds and initially thought I’d won £250. I looked again and realised I’d won £250,000. I raced over to the cashier who told me to sign the back and immediately call The National Lottery hotline. I screamed out for joy in the kiosk and then ran and danced across the forecourt shouting, I’m rich".

Adam quickly called his fiancée to tell her the life-changing news. Jenna, a registered nurse made the nail biting call to Camelot to get confirmation of their win. After the claim was confirmed they both danced around the living room celebrating.

The couple, who are currently planning their wedding for next year, are still making plans but are discussing cars, holidays and a down payment on a house. Adam said, “It’s a big responsibility and even though it’s a fantastic amount, I want to make sure it works for Jenna and me. But we are going to have a great Christmas that’s for sure.”

As for tips for Christmas, Adam has only one, "giving a Scratchcard as a gift is a great idea. I should know... my fiance bought me one for my birthday last year and I won £100. So if you need a stocking filler or you want to give something different, buy a National Lottery Scratchcard for Christmas."

The National Lottery has been changing the lives of winners and supporting good causes across the UK since 1994. In that time, there have been more than 7,000 new millionaires created and by playing The National Lottery you raise over £4 million for Good Causes every dayΔ.

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