Millionaires give kids’ garden a bloomin’ marvellous makeover
A team of National Lottery winners has rolled up its sleeves and given a ‘millionaire makeover’ to a garden used by preschoolers at Sacrewell Farm in Peterborough.
As part of the revamp, the winners rebuilt the garden’s water play wall and repainted the mud kitchen. They also spruced up the lawn before clearing and replanting the wildflower bank so that next year the children will be able to spot British wildflowers.
As well as giving the Seedlings Garden a new look the winners decorated pieces of stone in the rockery. The results were a memento of their day at the farm and a way of encouraging the preschoolers to enjoy and engage with the great outdoors.
Joining in with the work were Katherine and Graeme White (main image), who celebrated a £1Million EuroMillions win at Sacrewell Farm in June 2024. Katherine said, “It’s great to be back and helping to give this fabulous place a bit of a makeover. Quite a few of us volunteering today have spent many happy hours with our little ones at Sacrewell before they went to school, so it feels like we are paying back a favour.
Joining Catherine and Graeme down on the farm were Cambridgeshire winner Ben Lowther (£1Million, EuroMillions) and Charlotte and Daniel Peart from Peterborough (£1Million, EuroMillions). Among those who had travelled a little further were Sarah and Michael Tyler (£1Million, Lotto) from Kent, Susan Richards and Barry Maddox (£3Million, National Lottery Scratchcard) from Essex, Richard and Cathy Brown (£6.1Million, Lotto) from Suffolk and Maxine Tilbury (£1Million, National Lottery Instant Win Game) from Northamptonshire.
Sue Richards from Essex, who won £3Million on a National Lottery Scratchcard, said she was delighted to help out. She added, “We all feel passionately about the importance of providing spaces for little ones where they can get off screens and out into the great outdoors. Hopefully the work we have done today will help make it even more enticing to get muddy, wet and up to their elbows in the wild, while learning just a little more about food and farming.”
“Who knows, the work of the National Lottery winners today may be the catalyst for creating a future farmer, budding botanist or excited entomologist. Feeding young minds is what we’re all about, and we are touched that winners have given up their time in this way to help us do just that!”
This November marks The National Lottery’s 30th anniversary. Since its launch in 1994, it has made more than 7,200 millionaires or multi-millionaires. On average, seven millionaires are made every week.
By playing The National Lottery you help generate £30Million each week for National Lottery-funded projects. Since 1994, more than 690,000 grants have been made to projects across the UK with recipients ranging from local charities to Olympic and Paralympic athletes.
17th October 2024

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The National Lottery has been changing the lives of winners and supporting good causes across the UK since 1994. In that time, there have been more than 7,400 new millionaires created and by playing The National Lottery you raise over £4 million for Good Causes every dayΔ.
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